Hello, Board members and managers. Next Thursday, June 18, our team member, Jeanne Lauer will be providing a legislative update on a webinar sponsored by the SEVA CAI Chapter. The program will also deal with other legal topics. To sign up please go to the following website: https://sevacai.memberclicks.net/
All of us are looking forward to more normalcy in our day to day activities. Thankfully we are about to enter Phase 2 of the Governors re-opening program. To assist you to comply with swimming pool operations and rules below we share the information that is on line as part of a very lengthy document from the Governor’s office on Phase 2. That full Phase 2 information can be found at: https://www.governor.virginia.gov/media/governorvirginiagov/governor-of-virginia/pdf/Virginia-Forward-Phase-Two-Guidelines.pdf
Scope: Indoor and outdoor swimming pools.
Phase 2: Establishments must either implement the following mandatory requirements or remain closed.
Mandatory Requirements:
Businesses must strictly adhere to the physical distancing guidelines, enhanced cleaning and disinfection practices, and enhanced workplace safety practices provided in the “Guidelines for All Business Sectors” document. If businesses choose to offer fitness and exercise services, they must adhere to the following additional requirements for outdoor operations:
Post signage at the entrance that states that no one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, or known exposure to a COVID-19 case in the prior 14 days, is permitted in the establishment.
Post signage to provide public health reminders regarding physical distancing, gatherings, options for high risk individuals, and staying home if sick (samples at bottom of this document).
Hot tubs, spas, saunas, splash pads, spray pools, and interactive play features must be closed.
Indoor and outdoor swimming pools may be open for lap swimming, diving, exercise, and instruction only.
Lap swimming must be limited to three persons per lane with ten feet of physical distance per swimmer.
Diving areas must be limited to three persons per diving area with ten feet of physical distance per diver.
Swimming instruction and water exercise classes must be limited to allow all participants to maintain ten feet of physical distance at all times.
Seating may be provided on pool decks with at least ten feet of spacing between persons who are not members of the same household.
All seating (including lifeguard stations) must be cleaned and disinfected between uses.
Employees working in customer-facing areas are required to wear face coverings over their nose and mouth, such as using CDC Use of Cloth Face Coverings guidance. Lifeguards responding to distressed swimmers are exempt from this requirement.
Provide hand sanitizing stations, including at the entrance/exit and where shared equipment is utilized.
Facilities should screen patrons for COVID-19 symptoms prior to admission to the facility. Patrons should be asked if they are currently experiencing fever (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher) or a sense of having a fever, a new cough that cannot be attributed to another health condition, new shortness of breath that cannot be attributed to another health condition, new chills that cannot be attributed to another health condition, a new sore throat that cannot be attributed to another health condition, or new muscle aches that cannot be attributed to another health condition or specific activity (such as physical exercise). Anyone experiencing symptoms should not be permitted in the facility. Screenings should be conducted in accordance with applicable privacy and confidentiality laws and regulations.
Please let us know if you have questions about the content of this message.